Should couples be allowed to adopt?

 Adoption is a process whereby a person – or persons – assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person is a biological or legal parent or parents. The past few decades have brought a remarkable traditional stereotype about that these adoptions are usually between both a married male and female. But, do children need both a mother and a father? I strongly believe that this presumption has seen better days. As the definition of "family" changes and breakthroughs in legal rights become a reality, adoption has become a more inclusive right than it once was.


Today is not common for partnered people to live together, share assets, and exist similarity to a married couple without being married. Likewise, it is not uncommon for unmarried people to have children together. Nevertheless, although it is absolutely legal for an unmarried couple to adopt a child, doing so can be easier for couples who are married. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding same – sex adoptions will likely be amplified if a couple is also not married. 


Regarding that has been said in the above paragraph, I have the impression it happens because there is a widespread though about that children of single – parent, same – sex and dysfunctional families suffer measurable harm. But, do they depend on whether a father or mother is widowed, divorced or never married? Speaking from personal experience, the evidence does not show that family disruption is the main cause of school failure. What matters for children is not whether they have a mother, a father, two mothers, two fathers…, but whether they feel they have the support of their family while the children are growing up despite their characteristics and needs.


It is not reasonable to assume that all married couples will stay married, nor should be presumed that all single woman or man will remain forever single. Something similar happens when a gay or lesbian couple wants to adopt a child. That is to say that it should not matter who want to adopt a child. Nowadays there are many types of families. In this sense, all judicial procedures should be simplified regardless of the type of family, which want to adopt, instead of facilitating the adoption process for only married couples.


In a nutshell, the needs of the kids should be the first thing people look at before anything else. Children will learn that gender or a biological relationships it does not makes a family. A family is made through love, care and support. In other words, our societies are made up of a rich on individuals, relationships and families. Because of that it is time that in the adoptions process this is seen as an asset!
